We are available on various formats such as Podbean and Apple. We are constantly working on expanding our platform, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, click on the images below to access our podcast and catch up to the latest messages. Blessings
Apostle Tim's Podcast
Apostle Tim Carscadden's Podcast - Christian Center of Shreveport. Sermons and podcasts from Christian Center Shreveport. Enjoy and God bless!
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Explore with Jon West
Welcome to a new series where we explore different topics discussed today and give a Biblical perspective. There are many ideas that run rampant today. We want to dive into different topics and give a Biblical perspective on the topics being discussed in and out of the church.
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Soul Lies with Ginny Fouts
Soul Lies is a podcast hosted by Ginny Fouts. Learn how the spiritual and the soul crosses paths. Identify ways to grow your spiritual understanding in order to reveal lies your soul believes. This podcast will help you learn the Truth and propel you towards freedom. Ginny will challenge you to listen and discover the lies your soul embraces.
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