Stewarding Your Calling | John E. Thomas
We all have a destiny and calling over our lives, but how we steward our current situation can help propel us into our future position. John E. Thomas, our dear friend from Streams Ministries, gave an impactful prophetic teaching for those who carry a calling of leadership. We see through scripture by focusing on our current situation and walking in faithful obedience is what prepares us for our future place in God's Kingdom. David’s journey of going from shepherd to king is one of many examples we see in scripture to follow. Our heart posture is key to walk fully into all the Lord has written about us before we were in our mothers womb (Psalm 139:16).
As we receive this word, let's be sure to prepare our hearts to handle our current situations faithfully. Our faithful obedience in the little things is what prepares us for the calling God has called us into for the future.
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