Yielding to God's Breaking and Understanding | Lighthouse Corner

Scott Hooper

Pastor Scott Hooper came with a powerful prophetic word this past Sunday. He shares how he heard pickaxes one morning and heard how God is going to tear up foundations as we surrender to Him. There is an invitation to come deeper into the Lord to see Him for who He really is. He heard that the Lord is laying a new foundation and a major outpouring of the Spirit is about to come.  

Pastor Scott then goes into praying about any area where we need to be purified for the next move of God and where we need to yield. 

As we receive this, let’s pray earnestly with God to be yielded to His movement that’s to come and look forward to what God is about to bring. 

If this encouraged you, be sure to share it with a friend or family! We’re excited for what the Lord is about to do.